Data Backup and Restore

Grainite is a distributed database that internally replicates data across nodes. It is recommended to place the nodes in separate fault domains, therefore backups for the purpose of data redundancy are not necessary. However, most enterprises implement backups as an operational best practice. Grainite supports entire cluster data backup and restore capabilities only.

Data Backup:

gx cluster backup

$> gx cluster backup --help

Backup cluster state to cloud storage or get the state of an ongoing backup.
	S3: gx cluster backup --backup-location s3://bucket/location?AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ABCDEF&AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=123456 --passphrase=abc123
	GCP: gx cluster backup --backup-location gs://bucket/location --gcp-sa-file ~/sa_auth.json --passphrase=abc123
	Azure: gx cluster backup --backup-location \
	 az://container/location?DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=ABCDEF;AccountKey=123456; --passphrase=abc123

gx cluster backup [-hqvV] [--omit-logs] [--skip-health-check] [--tls] [-c[=<YAML config>]] [--backup-id=<backupId>] --destination=<backupLocation> [-e=<envName>] [--gcp-sa-file=<saAuthFile>] [--gxFile=Use the given
                  properties file instead of the one at {user.home}/.gx.] [-H=<host>] [--health_port=<healthPort>] [--log_port=<logPort>] [-p=<port>] [-P=<adminPort>] [--pass=<clientCertificatePassword>]
                  --passphrase=<passPhrase> [-r=<refreshTime>]

      --backup-id=<backupId> Backup ID for a previous backup. This can be used to get the status of an existing backup request.
  -c, --config[=<YAML config>]
                             Path to YAML config file.
                             If an existing YAML config file exists in the current directory,that YAML file is used automatically.
      --destination, --backup-location=<backupLocation>
                             Destination URI of the backup in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage.
  -e, --env_name=<envName>   Environment name.
                             There are multiple ways to set the env name.Here they are, in order of precedence from highest to lowest:
                             	1. --env_name flag
                             	2. app configuration (YAML)
                             	3. environment variable ($GRAINITE_ENV)
                             	4. gx config file
                             Default: default
      --gcp-sa-file, --gcp-sa-auth=<saAuthFile>
                             Path to the gcp service account json.
      --gxFile=Use the given properties file instead of the one at {user.home}/.gx.

  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -H, --host=<host>          Server IP address. Default: localhost
                             Server health check endpoint port. Default 5064
      --log_port=<logPort>   Port to get logs from local docker instance. Default 5065
      --omit-logs            Explicitly disallow backing up logs.
  -p, --port=<port>          Data service port. Default: 5056
  -P, --admin_port=<adminPort>
                             Admin port, Default: 5057
                             Client pkcs12 certificate password. To be used with --tls.
                             Passphrase to encrypt data in backup.
  -q, --quiet                Quiet output. Only show warnings and errors.
  -r, --refresh-time=<refreshTime>
                             Time in seconds to refresh backup status. Default: 5 s
      --skip-health-check    Skip health check to attempt to server regardless of server state.
      --tls                  Use TLS. Client certificates must be set in the gx properties file to use this TLS.
  -v, --verbose              Print out stack traces for errors.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.

Before running the command below, ensure that the Kubernetes context is set correctly.

Data Restore:

gx cluster restore

$> gx cluster restore --help

Restore cluster state from a backup in a cloud storage bucket.
	S3: gx cluster restore --backup-location s3://bucket/location?AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ABCDEF&AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=123456 --passphrase=abc123
	GCP: gx cluster restore --backup-location gs://bucket/location --gcp-sa-file ~/sa_auth.json --passphrase=abc123
	Azure: gx cluster backup --backup-location \
	 az://container/location?DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=ABCDEF;AccountKey=123456; --passphrase=abc123

gx cluster restore [-hqvV] [--skip-health-check] [--tls] [-c[=<YAML config>]] [-e=<envName>] [--gcp-sa-file=<saAuthFile>] [--gxFile=Use the given properties file instead of the one at {user.home}/.gx.] [-H=<host>]
                   [--health_port=<healthPort>] [--log_port=<logPort>] [-p=<port>] [-P=<adminPort>] [--pass=<clientCertificatePassword>] --passphrase=<passPhrase> --source=<backupLocation>

  -c, --config[=<YAML config>]
                             Path to YAML config file.
                             If an existing YAML config file exists in the current directory,that YAML file is used automatically.
  -e, --env_name=<envName>   Environment name.
                             There are multiple ways to set the env name.Here they are, in order of precedence from highest to lowest:
                             	1. --env_name flag
                             	2. app configuration (YAML)
                             	3. environment variable ($GRAINITE_ENV)
                             	4. gx config file
                             Default: default
      --gcp-sa-file, --gcp-sa-auth=<saAuthFile>
                             Path to the gcp service account json.
      --gxFile=Use the given properties file instead of the one at {user.home}/.gx.

  -h, --help                 Show this help message and exit.
  -H, --host=<host>          Server IP address. Default: localhost
                             Server health check endpoint port. Default 5064
      --log_port=<logPort>   Port to get logs from local docker instance. Default 5065
  -p, --port=<port>          Data service port. Default: 5056
  -P, --admin_port=<adminPort>
                             Admin port, Default: 5057
                             Client pkcs12 certificate password. To be used with --tls.
                             Passphrase to encrypt data in backup.
  -q, --quiet                Quiet output. Only show warnings and errors.
      --skip-health-check    Skip health check to attempt to server regardless of server state.
      --source, --backup-location=<backupLocation>
                             Source URI of the backup in AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, or Azure Blob Storage.
      --tls                  Use TLS. Client certificates must be set in the gx properties file to use this TLS.
  -v, --verbose              Print out stack traces for errors.
  -V, --version              Print version information and exit.

Last updated