APIs offered by Grainite

There are two types of APIs that are offered by Grainite:

  1. GrainiteClient API - Client/Producer

  2. GrainContext API - Backend

We currently have client and context API libraries for Java and Python.

As of version 2333, the Grainite server also includes a REST interface to enable connecting with other clients.

pageGrainiteClient APIpageGrainContext API


The Javadoc for both, the GrainiteClient and GrainContext APIs are accessible at: http://javadocs-public.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/.

Python Docs

The documentation for our Python API is available at http://pydocs-public.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/api/index.html


The documentation for Grainite's API for REST clients is available at https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/28523065/2s946k5qFT

Last updated