Grain Dump (gx table dump grain)

gx table dump grain [-hqV] [-c[=<YAML config>]] <keys>...

gx table dump grain <keys> dumps contents for the specified grains.

$> gx table dump grain e77a6a66-0bfa-4dbf-9a53-bdec0c798445 --maps=1,2
[INFO] 	Using app.yaml as config file.

[INFO] Table name parameter not specified. Showing options from config file for food_app
? Which table would you like to view? (Use arrow keys.) users_table
Running gx table dump with options:
 Table Name: users_table
   App Name: food_app
       Port: 5056
Environment: default
       Host: localhost
    Map IDs: [1, 2]
 Admin Port: 5057

  "key" : "e77a6a66-0bfa-4dbf-9a53-bdec0c798445",
  "value" : {
    "userId" : "e77a6a66-0bfa-4dbf-9a53-bdec0c798445",
    "userName" : "Louis Gislason"
  "maps" : [ {
    "id" : 1,
    "name" : "orders",
    "entries" : [ {
      "Caprese Salad" : 1
    }, {
      "French Fries with Sausages" : 1
    }, {
      "Pasta Carbonara" : 1
    } ],
    "num_entries" : 3
  }, {
    "id" : 2,
    "entries" : [ ],
    "num_entries" : 0
  } ],
  "num_maps" : 2


1. Table Name

Name of the table from which to get grains.

Use gx table list to view all tables in the current app.

If a table name isn't provided, users are prompted to select a table, based on the configuration file.

pageList Tables (gx table list)

2. Keys

Keys for grains to show.

Currently, all keys will be of type STRING.


All options from gx table dump are inherited for this command.

pageTable Dump (gx table dump)

Last updated