Properties (gx config)

The following properties can be modified using gx config.

1. Host

gx config host <string>

The IP address of the Grainite server. This is used for all commands that interact with the server.


gx config port <string>

Data service port for the Grainite server. This is used for most commands that interact with the server.

3. Admin Port

gx config admin_port <string>

Admin port of the Grainite server. This is used for loading apps onto the Grainite server.

4. Quay Authentication

gx config quay_username/quay_token <string>

These include a username and password for Grainite's private quay registry. They are used to fetch Grainite docker images.

5. Environment Name

gx config env_name <string>

The environment context in which to execute commands. Refer to Inherited Options for more information on setting the environment name.

7. Health Check

gx config skip_health_check <boolean>

Skip health check during app load. Refer to gx load for more information on the health check.

8. TLS properties

The following properties can be set to enable TLS. Refer to the "Using Grainite with TLS" page for more information about these properties.

Enable/Disable TLS:

gx config enable_tls <boolean>

Set CA certificate path:

gx config ca_cert_path <string>

Set client certificate path:

gx config client_cert_path <string>

Set client key path:

gx config client_key_path <string>

Set PKCS 12 certificate path:

PKCS 12 certificates are not needed if you are using a gx version >= 2323.1.

gx config client_p12_cert_path <string>

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