Append Events (gx topic append)

gx topic append [-dhqV] [-c[=<YAML config>]] [-H=<host>] [-p=<port>] [-P=<adminPort>] <topicName> <eventKey> <eventPayload>

gx topic append <topic name> <event key> <event payload> pushes an event to the provided topic.

$> gx topic append updates_topic test 123
[INFO] 	Using app.yaml as config file.

[SUCCESS] Appended event.


1. Topic Name

Name of the topic to append event.

Use gx topic list to view all topics in the current app.

If a topic name isn't provided, users are prompted to select a topic, based on the configuration file.

2. Event Key

Key for the event to append.

Currently, all keys will be of type STRING.

3. Event Payload

The payload for the event to append.

Currently, all payloads will be of type STRING.

Last updated